
How To Choose A Suitable Timer

The importance of time perspective

“The future comes slowly, the present flies and the past stands still forever.”—Friedrich Schiller

Memory, attention, emotion affect our perception of time. Children’s sense of time is supposed to develop in 4-8 years old. The sense of time is also important for adults. Lack of time control can lead to the “planning fallacy,” in which you are overly optimistic and underestimate the completion time of future tasks. Repeating this too many times can lead to a loss of confidence and even a bad habit of procrastination. People feel unproductive and spend a lot of time searching for a guide or tool only to get stuck again.

Why we use timers

Endless short videos and constant interruptions are gradually making people lose patience in managing their lives. The five hours available after work are filled with fragmented information, it seems that we have not finished reading a book for a long time, or even watched a play at the original speed, and our flag set by the New Year fall down at the end of the year.

A timer for office worker

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Where has our time gone? What we lack is not time, but the determination and perseverance to control it. Set aside 30 minutes a day for change. That’s 900 minutes in a month, 10,950 minutes in a year, about 183 hours.In the name of “the pursuit of efficiency”, read a bunch of books about time management, but it is easy to fall into the pursuit of the cycle of form. Instead, start with the first step, choosing a simple but practical timer and getting into the habit of managing time. It only costs the price of a cup of milk tea,But brings another possibility of life.

Best timer for students


Design countdown days for the most important tasks as mental cues. Deadlines stress us out, and deliberately reducing the temptation to do something else is a great motivator to step up your own pace. The most important thing for students who have exams is to prepare for them.Firstly,they form the concept of the countdown,and schedule their daily tasks accordingly.Flow, a state of mind in which one is fully engaged in an activity. In a streaming state, an hour of learning is more than someone can accomplish in five hours. In order to enter the flow regime, external interference, especially from electronics, needs to be blocked. Go to the library to study without using cell phone , just bring a multi-function timer,which can be carried in a pen bag. Silent, vibration mode alerts are available in the library.


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